Burnout in Youngsters — Romania


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: training course

Venue: Manastirea Humorului, near Gura-Humorului city, Romania

Dates: 11—20 August 2023

Czech team: Alžběta Mikesková, Filipp Lomakin, Jana Krejčí

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Arvis Solutions

Project report:

„Burnout in Youngsters“ was wonderful project that took place from 11-20 August in small village in north Romania called Monastiera Humorului. Place, where horse carriage is as common as normal car.

Our journey there was anything but easy. Nevertheless it was worth it! Our Czech team was just small part of our wonderful intercultural group that we created. At this project participants from 11 countries, which were: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine and hosting Romania. Overall 32 young people got together to learn more about Burnout.

First two days our trainer was wonderful psychologist Miruna, who introduced us to the toppic of burnout threw presentation. Together we learned about causes and effects that burnout can have on people’s life. We had many workshops where we worked in intercultural groups and then presented our thoughts and creations to the rest.

Of course we had to look on the bright side and look for ways how to prevent burnout. That’s why we went on trip to mountains and did activity called forest bathing (connecting with nature). We also visited 2 monastieras, beautiful little churches that are painted also from the outside.

Out of these two one was just 5 minutes away from our accommodation. After these 9 fulfilling days in Romania 32 people around Europe are now capable of recognising signs of burnout and ready to help those who seem to be on their way to one.

Thanks to hard work of all participants you can now see for yourself what we did those nine days on our blog and those who don’t like to read can watch our course video and our short education film about Burnout.

„Burnout in Youngsters“ wasn’t just training course. It was experience that brought 32 young people from all over the world together and created bonds that will last for lifetime!

Alžběta Mikesková

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