Colourful Marbling, Handcrafted Youth, Inclusive Society — Turkey


Venue: Sakarya, Turkey

Date: 20-27 June 2012

No of pax: 3 (2 participants, 1 GL)

Project report:


Between 20th and 27th June the Turkish team took part in a training course “Colorful Marbling, Handcrafted Youth, Inclusive Society”organized by Intercultural Dialogue and Young Entrepreneurs Organization of Sakarya – IDYES. There were participants from Portugal, Latvia, Malta, Sarbia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Albania and Czech Republic. Czech group was formed by Šimon Záhradník, Martin Ševčík and Eva Johanidesová. All participants together learned the art of Turkish Marbling (paper marbling), ceramic and glass painting, as well as pottery. During two days of intensive workshops the participants made their own paintings and items from clay which were later exhibited in the centre of Sakarya.
Except for the handicrafts we learned about youth unemployment in Europe and in Turkey and about marginalised groups. Together we tried to discover causes of high unemployment rate and look for the solutions to change it. During the city hunt five groups asked local people what do they think about economical situation in their country and what can be done to improve it.
The team also visited the Earthquake Museum and took a trip to Taraklı, a town south of Sakarya known for its historical characteristic three-storey houses, Yunus Paşa Mosque and Historic Bath.
This training was a great experience. We learnt more about handicrafts and color marbaling which was good way to improve my artistic skills and to upgrade my knowladge. Also it was a good way to learn more about Turkish tradition and life in Sakarya. I am really glad that I had this
oppurtunity to be a part of the team who participated there. The organization was on a perfect level and the Turkish people were very hospitable and made our stay there unforgettable.


Between 20th and 27th June the Turkish team organized a training course “Colorful Marbling, Handcrafted Youth, Inclusive Society” organized by Intercultural Dialogue and Young Entrepreneurs Organization of Sakarya – IDYES. There were participants from Portugal, Latvia, Malta, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Albania and the Czech Republic. Czech group was formed by Šimon Záhradník, Martin Ševčík and Eva Johanidesová.

All participants together learned the art of Turkish Marbling (paper marbling), ceramic and glass painting, as well as pottery. During two days of intensive workshops the participants made their own paintings and items from clay which were later exhibited in the centre of Sakarya.

Except for the handicrafts we learned about youth unemployment in Europe and in Turkey and about marginalised groups. Together we tried to discover causes of high unemployment rate and look for the solutions to change it. During the city hunt five groups asked local people what do they think about economical situation in their country and what can be done to improve it.

The team also visited the Earthquake Museum and took a trip to Taraklı, a town south of Sakarya known for its historical characteristic three-storey houses, Yunus Paşa Mosque and Historic Bath. 

This training was a great experience. We learnt more about handicrafts and color marbaling which was a good way to improve our artistic skills and to upgrade our knowledge. Also it was a good way to learn more about Turkish tradition and life in Sakarya.

I am really glad that I had this oppurtunity to be a part of the team who participated there. The organization was on a perfect level and the Turkish people were very hospitable and made our stay there unforgettable.

Šimon Záhradník


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