Connect before Correct — Poland


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: training course

Venue: Puck, Poland

Dates: 22—29 April 2024

Czech team: 3 participants

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: Fundacja Autokreacja

Project report:

Project took place in Puck, which is a small north east city in poland near Gdynia. We stayed in a boyscout’s club near the see, where most of the activities took place.
Contrary to most of the training courses, at least what I have heard and read, this one was focused only one one topic and was lead by experienced professional trainers of complex approach towards communication called NonViolent Communication. The organizers used the european funds to make their training accessible for those, who can’t afford to buy it, as their courses are usually very expensive.
During the course, we were exploring human psyche in a slightly different way than classical school of psychology does. For example, we divided human brain to Jackal and Giraffe part. Jackal is a very small animal with none of the high ground, capable of seeing only the close surroundings and one path, on the contrary, Girrafe being tall can see it all, whole complexity of multidimensional parallels viewpoint and trail, without need to radically defend the one it is walking on. And with this approach, we tried many introspection techniques to be able to understand both our and others motivations and need more, being able to find a common ground and mutual understanding.
During the project, we were presented many similar viewpoints and tried to use it in a praxis, simulating many life situations and going step by step by the framework steps, while being supervised by others and trainers.
Overall, project gave us deeper understanding of our own needs and emotions, enabling us to feel the deeper connection to our inner self and show us some of the reasons for our problems and a pathway to it’s solutions. 
Also, we learned how to understand others even if we are not able to sympathize with them, by which we should be able to solve conflicts and disputes more effectively and beneficially for both parties.
Petr V.

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