Cultural Beat Voices Without Borders – Poland


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Murzasichle, Poland

Dates: 17-24 August 2015

Participants: Alžběta Hejnová, Adriana Prusaczyková, Anna Šabršulová, Kateřina Remišová, Klára Zádrapová, Lucie Trnková, Radka Klinerová, Čeněk Kouřil, David Richter, Martin Binder, Martin Dostál, Miroslav Kovář

Group leader: Robert Veselý

Please read the project info-pack and daily programme.

Participating countries: Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania

Hosting organisation: Youth Association ART

Project report:

I want you to tell a story. A story about amazing days in Murzasichle in Poland. Me and another 12 people take opportunity to participate in Erasmus+ project about tolerance and cooperation throught music. Officially called „Cultural Beat – Voices Without Borders“.

Together with Radka, Katka, Alžběta, Klárka, Adriana, Anna, Lucka, Martin, Martin, Miroslav, Čenčí and Dave we came 17 August to Krakow and from Krakow we travelled by minibus to Murzasichle. Already in minibus we together get to know each other more even with Polish participants who travelled with our Czech group. In Murzasichle waited for us organisators, dinner and small introdution together with participants from Poland and Lithuania.

Next day we continued to getting know each other and organisators presented us their vision why we are here and what we will do. Intercultural learning, singing, making flash mob (group of people suddenly appear in one place, do something interesting for other people and suddenly disappear) and mixing movie from it.

Day per day every country had its own intercultural evening. For example it meant for us to present our country, culture, tradition, dances, food and drinks. So you can imagine amount of fun we had: we teach our traditional dances people from Poland and Lithuania, we saw similarities and differencies between our countries and they learnt also some czech phrases they will need in times they will be in Czech republic. And the same they teach us in their intercultural nights.

Whole training was based on non-formal education and active participation. It means that we were able to do our own activities for others, to make warm up energizers before learning sessions and to contribute to project with our own ideas what to do and how to do it.

Our main two days learning session was with professional musicians who teach us how to use our voice, breath and rhytm to use it in our flash mobs. After we learnt these things we started to work on our flashmob in town Zakopane. We trained what, how and when to do part of our flashmob.

In Zakopane we arrive by bus and were going through city center with the most concentration of people and show them our flash mob. We used song „All we are saying is give piece of chance“ from John Lennon with chorus of all names of project participants. After some time main organisator (who made in the same time video with camera) whistle and all participants were for 1 minute freezen. It made our group very interesting for other people in city and started to make photos and video with us. After 1 hour we finished flashmob and had 2 hours free time in Zakopane so we were able to enjoy city even more.

After day we did flash mob in Zakopane we started to make videos from it. We divided into 3 groups and every group mixed video from our flash mob. That was day before we left from Murzasichle. Our story ended 24 August. At 10 am we left Murzasichle in minubus again aiming to Krakow. In Krakow we said goodbay to each other with tears in our eyes and divided ourselves to 2 groups. One who went discover Krakow with our Polish friends from project and one which members need to left sooner.

In life there are stories you forget and stories which will in your hearth forever. This story belongs to second group…


Robert Veselý

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