Gamifying EcoPreneurship Education – Spain


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course

Venue: Puente Genil, Spain

Dates: 7—13 May 2024

Czech team: 1 participant 

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Europa 2020

Project report:

From May 7th to May 13th, I had the opportunity to participate in the “GAMIFYING ECOPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION” training course, which focused on understanding ecopreneurship and using fun, gamified methods to teach these concepts to the younger generation. The project took place in Puente Genil, a small town in the province of Córdoba, Spain. The association Europa2020, in collaboration with the Youth Delegation of Puente Genil, organized this initiative, bringing together 25 participants from countries including Czechia, Poland, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Georgia, and Montenegro.

The day before the project officially began, I embarked on a journey to Barcelona, where I spent the night. The following day, I took a train, crossing Spain, and arrived at the destination in Puente Genil where I also met other participants. This quaint town became my home for the duration of the project. The accommodation was located in the heart of the town, with groups of three or four people sharing rooms. Each day, we began with breakfast, and the program started at 10:00 a.m. We did small activities for about 20 minutes to get energized, then spent most of the day in the common room or outside in the garden. Lunch was served at 2 p.m., followed by a two-hour siesta. The program resumed at 4 p.m. and continued until 7 p.m., after which we had dinner. At 10 p.m., we enjoyed cultural or activity nights. Before these evening events, we could stroll around the town.

For the cultural night, each country presented their own culture, and we had the chance to try traditional food and join in cultural dances. The night was enjoyable as we learned something new about each country and their traditions. The activity nights were filled with exploring the culture and nightlife of Puente Genil, bringing us into contact with the local population.

During the second day of the program and gaining new knowledge, we went on a trip to the nearby city of Córdoba. We explored the city in the morning, then visited building of Europe Direct Córdoba and the Mosque–Cathedral, a unique building that was originally a mosque and later converted into a church. In the evening, we had a chance to spend some time and get to know each other better in a local bar.

On our last day, we presented the dissemination of the project in mixed groups on topics related to entrepreneurship. Presenting our results allowed us to practice our English and improve our language skills. In the afternoon, we received our Youthpasses and went for an excelent multi course dinner in a local restaurant and then for farewell event. The next morning, we said our goodbyes, and I continued my journey back home to the Czech Republic, stopping in Malaga for another night before flying back home.

My participation in this project was an incredible journey of personal growth and intercultural exchange. I formed lasting connections with participants from different
countries and expanded my knowledge of different cultures and connecting ecological
and business thinking. I highly recommend participating in such projects and am
grateful for the preparation and program provided by the Europa2020 association.

Daniel G.

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