EcoYouth: Crafting Sustainable Youth Work — Portugal


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course

Venue: Arrouquelas, Portugal

Dates: 24 June—2 July 2024

Czech team: 2 participants

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: H20

Project report:

The Erasmus+ training course “EcoYouth: Crafting Sustainable Youth Work” was an enlightening and transformative experience held in Rio Maior, Portugal. Hosted by H2O, the project brought together participants from various backgrounds to delve into sustainability and enhance youth work practices to be more environmentally friendly.

Throughout the project, we engaged in a series of workshops and discussions that focused on integrating sustainable practices into youth work. These sessions provided invaluable insights into sustainable project management, eco-friendly event planning, green communication strategies etc. We learned through non formal education, for example on one workshop we made ourselves eco friendly cosmetic products:)

One of the projects highlights was the opportunity to learn about each other’s cultures and backgrounds. This exchange enriched our understanding and appreciation of global perspectives on sustainability and youth work. Interactive sessions and group activities allowed us to build strong connections that will last.

Part of the project was visit to Arrouquelas. Here, we explored H2O’s facilities and observed their sustainable practices in action. The tour included an overview of H2O’s initiatives and programs and demonstrations of their eco-friendly infrastructure. The visit was inspirational, showcasing practical applications of sustainability in organizational settings. We also embarked on a memorable hike through the picturesque landscapes of Arrouquelas. The hike not only offered breathtaking views but also provided a hands-on learning experience about local flora and fauna, emphasizing the importance of preserving natural habitats.

On one of the free days, several participants took a trip to Nazaré Beach. Known for its stunning coastline and massive waves, the beach offered a perfect setting for relaxation and informal networking. The experience was both refreshing and exhilarating, leaving us with cherished memories and deeper bonds:)

The “EcoYouth: Crafting Sustainable Youth Work” training course in Rio Maior was a remarkable journey of learning, sharing, and personal growth. The friendships formed and the knowledge gained will undoubtedly have a lasting impact.

I would like to extend my gratitude to H2O for hosting this exceptional event and to all the participants for their enthusiasm and contributions. Together, we are empowered to foster a more sustainable and connected world.

Anděla J.

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