Empowering European Youth through Civic Education and Digital Tools — Bulgaria


ERASMUS+, Key action 2: traning course

Venue: Uzana (Gabrovo), Bulgaria

Dates: 23 June—2 July 2024

Czech team: 7 participants

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Europe in Your Hand

Project report:

From the 23rd of June to the 2nd of July, Uzana in the Gabrovo region in rural Bulgaria became the staging ground for our project: „Empowering European youth through civic education and digital tools“. Alongside the Czech group, teams from Poland, Lithuania, Spain and of course Bulgaria were in attendance. The groups however varied in numbers, with the Czech team being the largest with seven members. However, all the groups got along really well and the atmosphere among us was truly great.

The topic was presented to us in various ways. We engaged in discourse with each other, delved deep into various educational methods to improve our educational and intercultural skills. Although the topic at hand was fairly complicated and broad, we had a lot of time each day for our meetings and the facilitators used varied methods to keep us engaged and productive.

Moreover, we also participated in a mock city council meeting on the role of NGOs (Non Govermental Organisations) and youth in the decision-making process, had a chance to write a short theater play and also used art in our efforts.

In the duration of the project, we had two afternoon segments dedicated also to spending time outside, discovering and enjoying the beautiful Bulgarian countryside. We have reached the geographical center of Bulgaria and also climbed some mountains for a truly breathtaking view.

During our cultural visit to Gabrovo, a city famous for its humor festival, we had the chance to see a famous Bulgarian socialist monument dedicated to youth, thus showing us even the negative aspects of youth participation. In the city itself we visited a recently opened ethnographic museum, showing the life of ancient Bulgaria. Than it was time for our own exploration of the city and also a lovely dinner.

There were also two nights dedicated to the various cultures represented throughout our project. All the teams have prepared presentations about their countries, so we learned new fact, different tongue twisters, funny moments from their respected histories, played some kahoot and finally got the chance to try various sweets and other traditional foods.

Our Exchange was ten days long, therefore we got the chance to really get to know each other and we have all left Bulgaria with new friendships and beautiful memories.

Ondřej K.

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