Facility to Facilitate – Estonia


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Training Course

Venue: Keila, Estonia

Dates: 7-15 November 2017

Participants: Eva Pavelová, Matěj Klukan, Vlastislav Tůma

Please read the info-pack & booklet with the project results.

Participating countries: Estonia, Spain, Cyprus, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria or Czech Republic

Hosting organisation: Risti-Rästi 

Project report: 


Keila, Estonia

Welcome to Keila, an amazing town just half an hour from Tallinn in Estonia. It was a pleasure of the whole Czech team to participate on a training course „Facility to facilitate“ occured in the Erasmus+ scheme in the Key Action 1.

The number of the countries involved in this project let us know, that an unusual and colourful experience is waiting for us. There were up to three participants from each country and two inspiring and experienced trainers Bob and Jordan from Spain. But the intercultural exchange was just one of the mosaic of different skills development.

The highlight of the whole activity was a „Facility to Facilitate Lab“, a platform to develop different skills  – creativity and facilitation itself. Each one of us got an exeptional chance to prepair and facilitate a session from the very beginning up to the end. As each of us has his own experience in facilitation, we all created and shared interesting sessions, which shall be soon shared in the Salto toolbox in a separate booklet.

Due to a careful preparation of Kai-Riin Tomera, Risti-Rästi organisation and all the partners involved, we all have enjoyed the training course as much as possible. We´ve developed different skills essential for facilitation, shared our knowledge in the field of youth work and prepaired an interresting booklet to disseminate the idea of non-formal education.

There is also a feedback from Matej from Czech Team on the EYCB website. This is written in Czech, please see here

On the Behalf of Czech Team,

Eva Pavelová

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