Fit to Work – Moldova


Programme & action: Youth in Action programme, action 3.1.2. training course

Venue: Balti, Moldova

Dates: 11-19 April 2014

Participants: Markéta Bartoníčková, Julie Smilnická, Alexandra Pohoževa

Participating countries: Czech Republic, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine

Project report:

The training course Fit to Work took place in Moldovan city Balti between 11th and 19th April 2014. The participants from eight different countries – Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia and Turkey – came there to get new information about the unemployment of young people, its roots and solutions, how to succeed in the labour market and also about the new possibilities of Erasmus+ programme.

Particularly, after some activities to get to know each other and to break the ices, we focused on the main challenges which young people across Europe have to deal with and how to involve young people in the job market. We discussed the stereotypes and the prejudices regarding unemployment and we got the practical knowledge how to write a CV and a cover letter and how to make the best impression during the job interview.

The second part of the training course was focused on our NGOs, our past and current activities, our future plans and then on the Erasmus+ programme. We found out what are the new opportunities, how to apply as a participant for the short projects or EVS and also how to write an application for a grant for our own project.


There were only three participants from each country, everyone was highly motivated to learn something new and to get the new experience. Surprisingly the participants were from 17 to 37 years old but they were not very experienced and despite their not so good knowledge of English language, they were very opened and willing to talk and discuss their opinions. The organizers and especially the trainer were very well-prepared and managed the whole project really well. I believe that the project was very contributive for everyone.

Markéta Bartoníčková

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