Programme & action: Youth in Action programme, action 4.3. training course
Venue: Bant, The Netherlands
Dates: 28 October – 7 November 2013
Participants: Markéta Jarková, Soňa Klempová, Miroslava Kvapilová, Zuzana Širmerová, Marek Mäsiar
Participating countries: The Netherlands, Romania, Italy, Cyprus, Turkey, Slovenia, the Czech Republic
Project report:
Goedendag! Welcome to Holand! Welcome to the project full of awesome people, fun, friendship and cooperation. It was big adventure to travel to Holand (Lelystad) with three other Czech people and one from Slovakia on the 28th October. We were really excited about the project “Guidance Handbook on a healthy interaction with people with disabilities ”that ended on the 7th November. There were five people from each country: the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania three from Poland a seven from the hosting country: Netherlands.
Thanks to the perfect preparation and organization of our leaders – Chris and Raluca we could do everyting what they want without any single mistake. We were awesome team also and I never met in my life such amazing people like there. We did play role, discution about stereotypes of people with disability, also we did play games, we did know each other acitivities, we tried to create projects for these people. Each evening, each country presented own country with typical food, dances and music.!
When we were in Amsterdam, it was amazing opportunity to get know with problems availability for people with disability.
I will never forget these amazing ten days. And my heart will always remain people I could meet.
Thank a lot EYCB, people, for allowing these projects to happen!
Markéta Jarková