I am Entrepreneur in a Rural World – Romania


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Youth Exchange

Venue: Buzau, Sarata Monteoru, Romania

Dates: 11 – 20 May 2017

Participants: Hana Zahradníková, Milan Pánik, Tomáš Vrbka, Adam Gaura

Group leader: Jakub Janata

Please read the info-pack a rozpis denních aktivitand the amazing video about Romania created by the Czech team

Hosting organisation: Hair Redivivus Buzau, Romania

Participating organisations: Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Spain, Lithuania, Romania

Project report:

Youth Exchange „I am entrepreneur in a Rural world” was organized by Romanian organization Hair Redivivus Buzau. There were people from 8 different European countries. We arrived in Bucharest at 11th of May and we discovered beauty of Bucharest with our amazing organizer Tolea. Later that day we arrived in beautiful mountainous resort near Buzau, that was place of our exchange.

Next day we started with name games and get-to-know each other games and continued with presentation of our sending organizations and also key competences of Erasmus+ programmes. We had opportunity to increase our skills in many different ways. Activity which helped us to raise our awareness of key competences was World Coffee in which six experienced participants explained Erasmus+ competences to other participants.

After this very important introduction we started to do activities connected with the topic of the project. All activities were done in international groups which was very contributive for us because of gained skills in intercultural communication, social skills and foreign languages. We modelled our own business in a rural area, created the machine which will save the egg during the fall down from 5 metres or did some quests in the village nearby.

Very interesting was also concept of intercultural evenings. Each team took typical foods, drinks etc., but we didn’t make presentation about our nationality, but about nationality we were given. Czech team prepared amazing video about Romania, which was rated very great by Romanian participants, who were really satisfied with our job.

Main activity of the project was creation of business plan, which we presented on the Economical high-school in Buzau. This activity took almost 2 days, but it was really great to work in international teams and it helped as to gain practical skills which can be used in our future. All final projects were very interesting, but as Tolea says, the result is not that important as a process and I can honestly say that groups were working really hard and every participant was included.

To sum up whole project, it was amazing experience which helped us to improve our skills necessary in labour market. Big thanks for EYCB, which provided us this amazing, unforgettable opportunity and big thanks also for Romanian hosting organization which did really amazing job, and satisfied us with amazing food, place and activities.

                                                                                                                                                                                              Jakub Janata


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