I Can as Well! – Romania


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Brebu, Caras-Severin County, Romania

Dates: 2—11 October 2023

Czech team: 6 participants

Please read the info-pack

Participating countries: Czech Republic, Romania, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Ukraine

Hosting organisation: Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Project report:

The “I Can As Well” project took place from October 2nd to 11th at the traditionally furnished guesthouse La Padure near the village of Brebu in the southwest of Romania. A total of 40 participants from the Czech Republic, Romania, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, and Ukraine took part in the project. The entire event was sponsored by the Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

The first few days of the project were primarily dedicated to getting to know each other, building team dynamics, and establishing team rules. Following this, we delved into the topic of improving our verbal expression and confidence through improvisation and theatre. In our theatre performances, we portrayed social issues in our respective countries and their potential solutions, as well as explaining the benefits of Youthpass.

The public speaking skills that we honed during these activities were later put to the test in the Oxford debates. In these debates, a statement is presented, and the Proposition (comprising 3 individuals defending the statement) and the Opposition (consisting of 3 individuals opposing the statement) compete against each other. The audience then voted for the side with the more convincing arguments, determining the winner of the debate. We engaged in two such debates, one serious in nature with the topic “Is the death penalty the only way to eradicate crime?” and the other more lighthearted, centered around the question “Should skinny jeans on men be punishable by law?”.

Our project also had the privilege of collaborating with experts from the Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy. This collaboration provided us with a professional lecture on proper dental hygiene. We also visited the University in Timisoara, where we received a lecture about first aid and had the opportunity to practice CPR on training mannequins. Following this, we spent an entire day in Timisoara for sightseeing, shopping, and enjoying ourselves.

The last day of the project was dedicated to creating videos. One group produced a commemorative video that took us through the entire project, day by day. The second group created a video with the theme “I can as well,” which focused on self-improvement. Together, we crafted an exciting detective story where the spotlight was on potatoes, the favorite food of all the project participants.

However, the project was not just about work. Each evening featured a presentation from a different participating country. In total, we enjoyed six evenings filled with delicious foreign cuisine, entertaining and educational quizzes, fascinating fun facts, and new dances. Our remaining free time was spent playing games, dancing, engaging in discussions, relaxing by the campfire, sharing laughter, and creating unforgettable memories.

Time always seems to pass quickly when you’re having a great time, and this youth exchange was no exception. Thanks to this opportunity, we formed many new friendships, created lasting memories, and gained invaluable experiences. In particular, this project brought our Czech group closer together, and I’m thrilled to say that we already have more joint trips planned. In conclusion, I’d like to express my gratitude to all the organizers, especially our facilitator, Alex, and, of course, all the other participants for an incredible week.

See you again soon at the next Erasmus+ project.


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