Programme: Erasmus+ Youth, Key Action 1: youth exchange
Venue: Pervolia, Larnaca, Cyprus
Youth exchange dates: 17—25 March 2022
APV (= Advance Planning Visit): 1—3 March 2022.
Please read the info-pack.
Participating countries: Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Germany, Bulgaria
Hostng organisation: Enosi Neon Agion Anargiron Larnacas
Czech team: 7 účastníků
Project report:
I have a dream.
These are the words of the honorable Martin Luther King, spoken sixty years ago, on August 28, 1963, in his famous speech, and these words became the cornerstone for equality, justice and the elimination of all discrimination. The veracity, or rather the validity, of these words in our time came to verify 56 young people aged 18-30 years from 8 European countries (Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and the Czech Republic).
They were invited to the Youth Exchange in Cyprus by the Association of Young Saints Anargyros on 18-25 March 2022. The Czech Team was organized by European Youth Centre Breclav
The Youth Exchange focused on the promotion of human rights and solidarity between people, but also on the fight against racism, xenophobia, and racial hatred. Through non-formal learning activities, young people have converged and developed feelings of tolerance, compassion, mutual understanding, respect, tolerance, and acceptance of diversity. We had the opportunity to visit the memorial to the victims of the invasion of Cyprus by Turkish troops in 1973, where there are tombstones of the remains of 1,200 missing persons, which are still identified by the found remains of bones.
We also visited a center for refugees mainly from Africa who, with the help of organizations such as Anargyros, integrate into Cypriot society.
The workshops prepared by young people from each participating country were also very beneficial. Interesting was the debate about the difference in the reception of current Ukrainian refugees and refugees from African countries. This debate showed the influence of disinformation and hoaxes on young people who had a difference of opinion, which mostly corresponded to the political views of the politicians of the country from which the young people came.
We shared and at the same time broke down possible stereotypes and prejudices at the local, national, and international levels. We learned how to manage the reactions of fear, racism, and xenophobia in their society, and to define the common values of democracy and respect for human rights.
We can rate the goals of the project as accomplished and even most of the participants were tolerant and empathetic when already, there were still new views and thoughts that contribute to a better understanding and perception of diversity.
The Czech team prepared workshop about discrimination and it was very well presented, and many participants said that they never thought about this topic in that way. I can consider myself as a professional in human rights topic and even I was pleasantly surprised.
This young exchange was full of interaction between participants and organizers encouraged young people to take an active part in the program, rather than passive reception of information.
I can state that everyone enjoyed this youth exchange and at the same time learned a lot of useful information.
Miroslav K.