Mindful Connections: Integrating Emotional Intelligence in Work with Young People with Diverse Backgrounds — Turkey


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course

Venue: Antalya, Turkey

Dates: 4—12 May 2024

Czech team: 3 participants

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: Akdeniz Eğitim ve İstihdam Derneği

Project report:

On 4th of May three brave Czech participants embarked on a journey to Istanbul. For all of us it was the first time in this beautiful city and it’s safe to say we will be returning. The focus of the project was on empathy—understanding it better, learning how to practice it, and seeing its importance in our everyday lives. We stayed in a nice family-owned hotel with clean rooms and great food, and the location was perfect for everything we needed.

The main goals of the project were to deepen our understanding of empathy, improve our
interpersonal skills, and promote cultural exchange among all the participants. We achieved these goals through a mix of fun and engaging activities, meaningful discussions, and working together on different tasks. The organizers had everything planned out so well that we could dive into different aspects of empathy in a very practical and relatable way.

Every day was packed with interesting activities. One of my favorite parts was the discussions we had with the group. It was so enlightening to hear everyone’s experiences and thoughts on empathy. These conversations really helped us connect on a deeper level and learn from each other.

We also had a day trip to the center of Istanbul, which was fantastic! We got to explore the city, experience its culture, and it was a great way to bond with everyone outside of the regular activities. 

We learned so much about empathy during this project. We covered various approaches to empathy, why it’s so important, and how we can apply it in our lives. The activities were handson, which made it easier to grasp the concepts and see how they work in real-life situations. 

The organizers were simply amazing. They were incredibly friendly and professional, always ready to help, and made sure everything ran smoothly. Thanks to them, the whole experience was enjoyable and impactful.

All in all, this Training Course was a fantastic experience. It was the perfect mix of learning, cultural exchange, and personal growth. We’re all grateful for the chance to be part of it and would highly recommend it to anyone interested in empathy and intercultural dialogue.

Viktorie Š.

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