Music for Democracy — Poland


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Rabka-Zdrój, Poland

Dates: 29 June—7 July 2024

Czech team: 4 participants + 1 group leader

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Europe4Youth

Project report:


The Erasmus+ project “Democracy through Music” brought together 25 participants from five different countries—Greece, Spain, Italy, Czechia, and Poland—to explore the intersections of democracy and music. Hosted in the scenic town of Rabka-Zdrój, the project was held in a beautiful venue that offered amazing food and a conducive environment for creative and intellectual exchange.

 Day 1: Icebreakers and Musical Bonding

The first day was dedicated to getting to know each other through interactive games and musical jamming sessions. Participants were divided into three bands and spent time playing together, which helped foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork from the outset.

 Day 2: Discussing Democracy

The second day focused on the themes of democracy and its various controversies. Through engaging discussions, participants delved into different democratic issues and perspectives. Additionally, there was a session dedicated to discovering the musical heritage of each participating country, highlighting cultural differences and commonalities.

Day 3: Lyric Writing Workshop

Day three featured a workshop on creating lyrics from scratch, which was both challenging and rewarding. Participants then spent the rest of the day and the next in rehearsing covers and writing an original song about democracy. This song was to be recorded and performed at upcoming concerts.

In the evening, an intercultural night allowed participants to further explore each other’s cultures through food, drinks, and stories, strengthening the bonds formed earlier.

 Days 4-5: Rehearsals and Concert

Rehearsals continued on the fourth day, focusing on perfecting both cover songs and the original song about democracy. On the fifth day, the participants transformed into performers, presenting their music at a public concert in the center of Rabka-Zdrój. The concert was a huge success, drawing an enthusiastic crowd that included people of all ages, who danced and sang along with the performers.

Day 6: Recording Sessions

The sixth day was dedicated to recording the original democracy songs. Special thanks go to Erik, one of the participants, who brought professional recording equipment. His contribution significantly sped up the recording process, allowing each band to record their songs efficiently.

 Day 7: Final Rehearsals and Closing Activities

The last day involved final rehearsals for the evening concert and completing the remaining recordings. Post-lunch, an emotional evaluation and closing session was held, where participants reflected on their experiences and the deep connections they had made. Youthpasses were distributed, recognizing the achievements of all participants.

The evening concluded with a final concert, where the participants gave their best performances, making the audience dance and sing along, creating an unforgettable experience.


The project’s end was bittersweet, as participants found it hard to believe that such a meaningful and enriching experience was concluding. The farewell was emotional, but the participants left with the hope and promise of future reunions, united by the universal language of music.


Czech Team: A special thanks to our team from Czechia for representing our country so well and fostering strong friendships.

Europe4Youth:For their outstanding facilitation throughout the project.

EYCB:For providing the opportunity for Czech participants to explore Europe and build international friendships.

Thank you all for making “Democracy through Music” a memorable and transformative experience.

For the Czech Team:

Ondřej J.

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