Non formal competences in the labour market: Mission Possible! — Italy


Programme and action: Youth in Action programme, action 4.3. training course

Venue: Pistoia, Italy 

Dates: 8-15 September 2013

Participants: Miloslav Soška, Eva Gartnerová, Anna Hájková


Participating countries: Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland,Portugal, Slovenia, United Kingdom

Project report: 

As in fairytale, I will start from the very beginning. Journey to the project despite being quite close to Czech republic lasted almost 12 hours. We changed bus for plane and plane fur train and arrived quite exhausted to the place almost at midnight. To our great surprise, there was a plate of hot spaghetti with tomato sauce waiting for us. This was the moment we realized the organizers really care about our well-being. The next day we got to know that there is a hidden healthy lifestyle purpose behind the project. Between the building we lived in and the cultural center was distance of 20 minutes of fast walking. Probably it served as counterweight to hours of debating, writing on flip charts and presenting various things connected to youth unemployment. 
The official program centered around topic of youth unemployment, which we identified as a huge problem in our specific countries of origin. Then we focused on creating ways how to possible overcome the obstacles with finding a job. Dorota gave us a perfect practical example connected with lecture about how not to act during the job interview which was fun also. After the second half of the project we somehow focused on instruction how to write our own project and were given opportunity to try apply for one as part of a game. 
We enjoyed Tuscany with all senses and as intensely as possible. During free time we visited Pisa, Montecantini, Porto or Florence and observed the beauties of architecture and landscape being in perfect harmony. Also we tried tasting the local wine every now and then. As the best appeared combining the two good practices. During the project we experienced growing sense of community with the guys from 9 other countries across the Europe. Through both planned and spontaneous team-building activities we managed to became really great team and in the end it was really hard to say goodbye. 
Anna Hájková

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