STEM & YOU(th) — Poland


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Rabka Zdrój, Poland

Dates: 16—24 October 2023

Czech team: 4 participants + 1 group leader 

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: Europe 4 Youth

Project report:

The Erasmus+ project titled “Stem and YOU(th)” aimed to address the growing influence of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) on the lives of young people, from their educational experiences to their future career choices. This report summarizes the objectives of the project, the learning outcomes, and the activities conducted during the program.

The project had several key objectives:

Raising STEM Awareness: The primary goal of the project was to raise awareness about the importance of STEM, including educational and career opportunities for young people.
Enhancing STEM and Digital Competences: We aimed to enhance the STEM and digital competences of young participants, recognizing these skills as integral components of the 8 key Lifelong-Learning competences.
Improving Communication Skills and Multilingual Competence: In addition to STEM competences, the project sought to improve the communication skills and multilingual competence of the participants.

Exploring Innovative Learning Methodologies: The project explored new and innovative learning methodologies and tools in the realm of non-formal education.
Educating About European Values: Through practice of equality, inclusion, and democracy, the project aimed to educate young people about European values.
Strengthening European Identity: The project provided an opportunity for young people from different countries to bond over shared learning experiences and strengthen their European identity.

As a result of the “Stem and YOU(th)” project, participants learned about various aspects of STEM, including lego programming, lego animation, algorithms, and general science concepts. They also improved their communication skills, digital competences, and multilingual competence, which are crucial in the 21st century. Participants gained a deeper understanding of European values and the significance of equality, inclusion, and democracy.

During the project, participants from each national group prepared two presentations on STEM topics. These presentations were conducted in a workshop format, encouraging active participation and interaction. The remaining time was dedicated to hands-on learning activities, including lego programming and lego animation.
The interactive nature of the project allowed participants to engage in experiential learning, explore innovative teaching methodologies, and connect with their peers from different countries. This not only deepened their understanding of STEM subjects but also fostered a sense of European identity and unity.

The Erasmus+ project “Stem and YOU(th)” successfully achieved its objectives of raising STEM awareness, enhancing STEM and digital competences, improving communication skills, exploring innovative learning methodologies, educating about European values, and strengthening European identity among the participating youth.

The project served as a valuable opportunity for young people to develop essential skills and knowledge while also fostering cross-cultural understanding. The impact of this project will undoubtedly be felt in their academic and professional lives, as well as in their contributions to a more united and inclusive Europe.

Jakub H.

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