U-Learn: Supporting Learning in Youth Work — Estonia


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Training Course

Venue: Narva, Estonia

Dates: 10-16 March 2019

Participants: Nicole Piková, Michal Királyi

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: VitaTiim

Participating countries: Czech Republic, Sint Maarten (dutch part), Estonia, Slovenia, Hungary, Portugal (Azores), Bulgaria, Denmark, Spain (Canary islands), Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania 

Project report:

   Estonia as a country was cold, windy and there was just snow everywhere. Local people were a bit closed, but we – people from the whole world – were open to any new knowledge, experience or opportunity and we were warmed by our friendship, fun and happiness which this project brought us.

   I cannot say that this particular project was something special or something extra, because that would be very relative term. Every project is special if you experience it. I want to say that this concrete project was special to me (and to other participants of this project) and some other project might be special to YOU.

   There were plenty of activities during the project, lot of shared knowledge in the field of youth learning and especially cozy atmosphere created by all of us – trainers and participants together. I personally found out some new ways how to deal with youngsters and how to facilitate their pursuit of happiness. I realized the importance of individualistic attitude to youngsters as well as their needs for social interaction. It helped me to comprehend to my children I work with. The main language was English but I also improved my skills in Russian and Spanish language due to variety of involved nationalities in the project.


Thanks to EYCB team for providing us such an opportunities.


 Michal Királyi

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