Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Training Course
Venue: Loughborough, United Kingdom
Dates: 22 – 30 October 2017
Participants: David Březina, Jakub Gongol, Ludmila Pátá, Lenka Raymanová, Michael Janek
Please read the info-pack & additional information about this training course
Participating countries: UK, Greece, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Finland, Poland, Hungary and Latvia
Hosting organisation: Equality AcFon
Participants’ fee: €50
Project report:
Hi! Welcome all in the country full of beautiful houses, teas, cakes and lovely people! It was pleasure for me and other 4 participants from Czech Republic to participate on the training course “Understanding the diversity” which took place in the lovely small city called “Loughborough” in the United Kingdom. Thanks to our trainers, all participants (who were 25 people from 9 different countries) enjoyed this training as much as it was possible. During that week full of very intensive and professionaly organised schedule, we learn a lot on racism, human rights, terrorism, rights of children, non-violent communication and much more. We also particiated on pilgrimage, where could see during 1 night four different religious places and understand more different religions and beliefs. We also learned how to organise our own workshop, how to lead group of people and to speak well on public. I personally consider all these soft-skills as one of the most important things nowadays. I am very thankful, that I had the option to improve myself.
Nevertheless, this week was about much more. All of us made new friends, discovered a lot about English culture and also about all cultures of other participants. In addition, we also did trip to Nottingham, beautiful city with amazing castle and to Leicester, which is city with a lot of different cultures, so we could compare different styles of houses, clothing of people.
To sum it up, this training course was one of my best experience, that I have ever had with Erasmus+ and I hope that in the future, there will be more and for all of you!
Lenka Raymanová