Wake Up the City — Portugal


Termín konání: 5-12 December 2019

Místo konání: Braga, Portugal

Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Youth exchange

Venue: Braga, Portugal

Dates: 5-12 December 2019

Participants:  Martina Kašpárková, Aneta Bláhová, Tomáš Hercig, Martina Kvapilová

Group leader: Tereza Haškovcová

Host organisation: ESN Minho

Participating countries: Portugal, Spain, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Italy, Romania

Please read the info-pack for more information. And also see the final results from the project here.

Project report: 

Olá! Welcome in beautiful Portugal! Welcome to the country full of kind and temperament people, beautiful cities, delicious food, port wine and ocean power! It was pleasure for me be there with other Czech people who became my friends after week of adventure. We were really happy there. There were five people from the Czech Republic, two people from Lithuania, six people from Spain, five people from Romania and six people from Italy and four people from hosting Portugal.

Thank you to organizators from Portugal – Miguel, Daniel and Francesco. They were very friendly, kind, honesty, creative and funny. We were great team. All of us was really important and we were very respecting group. Everyone fit into the group as a puzzle. We had many presentation how wake up the city, many activities, energaizer in the morning. We had bigger project for two days in groups. Each group was to invent a own product for better taveling, for better feeling in uknown city. We were making a video for it and presented others groups. The programme was really great. It was not boring but playful, creative, talkactive and interesting.

We had also free time which spent together. First day afternoon we had city guided around beautiful Braga.


Every evenings we spent together. We had intercultural nights where we teasted delicious food from each country, dance lessons, shows, parties and the last night we had Now or never party. Everythig was so calm, pretty and amazing. 

On Sunday we had all day trip to Porto. It was rainy but Porto is really beautiful. We made better frienship on trip.

This project was the best from which I visited. I am pesonaly love south Europe and seaside countries. Now we are at home and after one week I can not become acclimatized to stressful and shy Czech people.

Thank you so much for being a member of this amazing project. Thank you EYCB for organization, for choosing me, for perfect communication.

                                                                                                                                                                           Tereza Haškovcová

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