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ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course

Venue: Tarascon sur Ariège, Francie

Dates: 11—23 September 2024

Czech team: 3 participants 

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: SolAfrika

Project report:

In a world increasingly marked by conflict, climate change, and economic disparity, the migration of people in search of safety and opportunity has become a pressing global issue. Our project aims to address the multifaceted challenges faced by migrants and refugees through innovative solutions that promote integration, education, and support systems. Throughout our journey, we have gained valuable insights into the complexities surrounding migration, from the barriers to accessing essential services to the cultural richness that diverse communities bring. By fostering collaboration among stakeholders—governments, NGOs, and local communities—we seek to create sustainable pathways that empower individuals and enhance social cohesion. Now about the project.

One moment that deeply touched me was the visit to the asylum seekers’ center. As I stepped into that space, I could feel the weight of the long and perilous journeys these people had endured. Yet, they greeted me with warm smiles and open hearts. In that small corner of the world, I witnessed a resilient community offering a welcoming home to those seeking shelter. People who had lost everything found not just a helping hand here, but perhaps most importantly, a spark of hope.

Conversations with them shifted my perspective profoundly. I realized that solidarity isn’t an abstract concept—it’s a simple gesture: a hug, a conversation filled with empathy. These encounters reminded me of our shared humanity and the undeniable power of human connections. Another special moment was participating in intercultural games that brought me together with refugees and their children. These activities broke down language barriers and forged deep connections through laughter, play, and the desire to learn from one another. I saw children, initially shy and withdrawn, begin to open up, communicate, and learn new words.

Throughout the project, I not only developed verbal communication skills but also learned to understand non-verbal messages through theater activities. These exercises helped me express emotions and truly listen, transcending the limitations of words. I came to realize that every smile and every gesture has the power to build bridges of understanding.
The seminar provided me with the opportunity to share and learn from the experiences of other countries. It was truly inspiring to see that, even though we come from different corners of Europe, we are united by the same desire to build a better future for migrants and refugees. I discovered innovative strategies and creative solutions that can make the process of integration more humane and compassionate.

This journey has taught me that refugees are not just numbers, but stories of courage and hope. Together, we have the power to create a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. It’s my responsibility, and ours, to keep fighting for this vision and to be a beacon of hope for those seeking a new beginning.

Martin N.

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