Active Citizens of Tomorrow – Denmark


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Training Course

Venue: Vordingborg, Denmark

Dates: 10-18 November 2017

Participants: Alena Brabencová, Dominik Zábelka

Please read the info packACT brochure: , ACTivity Booklet:  3fold brochure: (1 A4 paper) 

Participating countries: Denmark, Austria, Cypurs, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain

Hosting organisation: Vordingborg Ungdomsskole og 10. Klasse (VU10) (Local Public Body)

Project report: 

A week ago me and my Czech friend Dominik came back from a wonderful Danish Erasmus+ project full of sweet memories of the lovely 10 days spent together with several different nationalities, such as with our friends from Malta, Estonia, Poland and France. After our arrival we were a bit unsure as the weather was cold and rainy, our train was delayed and the project took place basically in the middle of nowhere, but when we got to meet everyone during the next day, we fell in love with the place and the group! The experienced and skilled trainers took us on a learning journey about education, citizenship and Europe itself. We got to meet some of our common shared European values as well as we learned about some of the ways we can participate and take action in our own environments, both local and national. The week was packed with fun energizers and activities, we got to simulate a political election, shot a video about European values (fairy tale, talk show, documentary and even soap operas) and discussed lots of burning topics such as Brexit and the future of European Union. We also got to see the local reality through our one day trip to the near town and saw the youth centre where our lovely organizator Marta worked. One of the biggest highlights of the project was also the Intercultural evening where we not only got to represent our country, but also managed to try lots of food and drinks from the other countries. The week turned out wonderfully and we already miss everyone – saying goodbye was not easy! We are very grateful for having the opportunity to participate and can honestly admit that we challenged ourselves during the week, but also learned a lot and had fun! 

Alena Brabencová


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