First Aid Kit 2 – Bulgaria


Programme & action: Erasmus+ Youth, Key Action 1: Training course

Dates: 4-14 September 2020

Venue: Varhovrah, Bulharsko

Participants: 3

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Mladejki centar za razvitie-Vzaimopomosht

Participating countries: Poland, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Slovakia, Romania, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Estonia

Czech participants: Jakub Cieślar, Martina Kvapilová, Veronika Wróbelová, Alice Primasová

Project report:

The training course, entitled “First Aid Kit II.”, took place on 4-14 September 2020 in Bulgaria, in Varhovrah in the middle of the mountains.
A total of 25 people participated in the project – from Bulgaria, Romania, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia and Spain. Upon arrival at the Hotel Rodopi, the coaches warmly welcomed us with dinner in the form local cuisine, after dinner we were accommodated and met others participants from different countries.
In the first, we had activities aimed at breaking the ice between the participants. We went through the unusual icebreakers that were very original and effective. One of the participants even tried it out crawling on the rope that the other participants had to hold enough firmly to avoid injury and at the same time we have strengthened the team’s ability cooperation and trust. We also had an activity called “Secret friend ”, which met to do to small things for a certain person during the whole project. Many participants were on the Erasmus + trip for the very first time, therefore one session was devoted to the presentation of what the implementation and participation in projects funded and supported by EU grants. In the following days, we went through the training of the Basic First Aid Course led by workers who work with the world organization Red cross. We were also trained by trainers in the field of crisis intervention, first aid for
newborns and babies. During the course, we did not focus only on first aid and its provision, but we also managed to cover topics such as “Visual individual thinking”, we learned what are the possibilities of leadership
own lessons and programs. Subsequently, we created and in international groups realized their own for workshops on the topics “Healthy lifestyle”, “Mindfulness”, “Impact of technology”, “Capture the moment”.
As part of the project, we also completed 2 trips. The first was a half-day, on the body of a 40-year-old truck took us for a short ride to the panorama with a beautiful view of the valley in the middle of the mountains, where we captured many moments together. We finished the ride visiting the local church in the nearby village of Churen, where we learned the details of the construction and history of the local church, which was recently renovated after many centuries. After  this trip we learned that our project outputs will be an exhibition of methodology providing first aid, which we will present on a subsequent trip in the city of Plovdiv.
The secondary output of the project are videos presenting the possibilities of implementing the newly acquired knowledge of first aid. Both outputs were successful and will be published on social networks.
At the end of the project, we received certifications for participation in the project, called Youthpass. At the same time the final group evaluation of the project and the declassification of who is our “secret
friend “. The project was very successful and we evaluate it positively.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Alice Primasová


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