Wo+Men Rights — Portugal


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: training course

Venue: Arrouquelas, Rio Maior, Portugal

Dates: 18—26 June 2023

National team: 2 participants 

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: H2O

Project report:

“My experience with TC Wo+man rights was amazing as always with these Erasmus projects. In the course was participating 30 people from 14 different countries and the course was in Portugal from 18.6. to 26.6. 2023.

The Erasmus training course focused on teaching us about gender-related issues in our society. It lasted for seven days and during this we had amazing workshops, lectures, group discussions, and practical activities.

I know I met many new friends who helped me to see things from a different perspective.

At the beginning of the course I was even confused about definitions, which became clearer. I found that I was not alone. This topic is very timely and important to understanding. These opportunities to learn new things and informally educate myself have pushed me incredibly. I must also say that this training course was different. People were very active and many times interesting arguments were made in the discussions. I can say, that everyone actively talked and shared ideas based on this topic. I learned a lot of new things and gained a better understanding especially in different points of view from people from different countries.

Taking part in this Erasmus trainings course helps me grow personally and it encourages me to think about my own beliefs and prejudices about gender. It also gave me the tools to be someone who supports fairness and change.

Personally, I feel more confident and knowledgeable about gender issues and want to contribute to creating fairness in my community. I am really  grateful to Erasmus for this opportunity.

Erasmus was also diversified by an intercultural night, which was really huge. And the organizer Alexander prepared us a Portuguese paella.

I am so grateful I could have been part of this <3”

Karolína Luscoňová

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