Aesthetics of Youth Work: Content Creation & Management Training — Poland


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course

Venue: Rabka-Zdrój, Poland

Dates: 17—24 April 2024

Czech team: 1 participants 

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Europe4Youth

Project report:

The “Aesthetics of Youth Work: Content Creation & Management Training” project took place in the nice town Rabka-Zdrój, Poland. This project was designed to enhance our skills in content creation and management, with a focus on practical application and international collaboration.

From the first day, we were immersed in activities that pushed our creative  boundaries. We began by identifying our target audiences and brainstorming campaign ideas. Each day was filled with practical activities, including photography, video production, and podcast creation.

I gained invaluable practical skills that are directly relevant to my current study and professional development. Working with various digital media was both challenging and rewarding. Learning from each other was one of the highlights. I shared my own knowledge and skills with other participants, creating a dynamic and collaborative learning environment. My organizational, management, and leadership skills got a significant boost through active participation in the project.I have experimented and developed new learning practices and methods, especially in content creation and management.

The project included participants from various countries, including Poland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Malta, and Serbia, providing a rich cultural exchange. It was complemented by excursions to Zakopane and Krakow, which deepened our appreciation of Polish heritage and history.

Overall, this project has significantly contributed to my professional growth and provided me with new ideas and skills applicable to my work with youth.

This project wasn’t just about learning. It was an inspiring journey that let me meet new people and developed and enriched my skills. If you’re looking for an experience that will ignite your creativity and expand your horizons, this is it! Dive in, explore and spend your best time!

Sofia Z.

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