Active Hope against Eco-Anxiety — France


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Saint Lizier (near Toulouse), France

Dates: 4—17 June 2024

Czech team: 6 participants + 1 group leader 

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: SolAfrika

Project report:

Have you ever thought about how you really feel about eco crisis we live now? Not just your opinions or expressions but deep feelings? All this- and much more- was theme of our project:

Between 4th to 17th of June participants from Czech Republic, Turkey and France gathered in small village Saint- LIzier in south France for the Erasmus+ project accurately named „Actice hope against eco anxiety“. Local organization called SolAfrica came with educative, clever and most enjoyable programmes and activities we had the luck to be part of. Our facilitators cared very much not just about our basic needs (as great food and coffee) but about our well-being as well. We were encouraged to open up and speak about our emociones, about problemes our generations have to deal with.

We had activities about ecology, about getting to know ourselves, each other, our planet and its limits. We visited cities nearby, beautiful nature and more. And what more, even Saint Lizier we stayed in had admirable sites and its historical UNESCO parts.

Overall we’ve met as a group of people with great dynamics, similar sense of humor and a lot to give to each other. I personally felt like on a bit of a vacation, all of us came back rested and full of new experiences and unforgettable relationships with people from differents part of Europe.

Marta Š.

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