Humour Is a Serious Business — Austria


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Training course 

Venue: Drobollach am Faakersee, Austria

Dates: 17-24 November 2018

Participants: Adéla Hrubošová, Martina Kukrálová

Please read the info-pack & daily programme. Please also read the project booklet with the results of this TC.

Participants’ fee: €30

Hosting organisation: Germeshausen un Mak

Participating countries: Austria, Bulgaaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, United Kingdom, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Spain.

Project report: 

From 5th till 12th of November, we (two Czech girls, me and Martina) had a great opportunity to spend one wonderful week full of laugh and smiles in breathtaking town Drobollach am Faakersee which is situated close to Villach in Austria. The project called ‘Humour is a Serious Business’ was full of surprises. I expected that it will be fun and I will gain some new experience, but at the end of the course I realized, that it gave me more, that I’ve expected at the beginning.

First of all, this project gave me new friends from the whole Europe and I have to say.. it’s not usual to meet such a thoughtful, funny and clever people. All of participants somehow contributed to this project and made it so special. First day we were strangers but after two days we transformed to the real dream team!

Secondly, I gained new knowledge – not just about humor itself, but also about European Union, cultures through the whole Europe, actual problems etc. Everyday we started with different energizer what can be useful for another project or just between friends. We went through different methods of learning, which was pretty interesting to see how many ways you can use to learn new things. The program was full of diverse activities, we didn’t stop for a whole week. One afternoon we spent in beautiful city Villach, where we discovered local realities.

At the end we learnt how humour can be used to aid our own personal and social development which increases our confidence, self-esteem and self/awareness. And the most important thing for me was – I stepped out of my comfort zone and that’s the thing what everyone should do for yourself.


To sum up this project, it was awesome experience which I will remember forever. Organizators were perfectly prepared, what made all the project very successful, place was peaceful and calm.. I just have to say warm thank you all the people who were involved and EYCB for such a great opportunity.

Adéla Hrubošová

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