Earth: Heritage from Future – Turkey


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Youth Exchange

Venue: Zonguldak, Turkey

Dates: 19 – 28 July 2017

Group leader: Kristýna Liptáková

Participants: Magdalena Koníčková, Jiří Buťa, Dominik Firla, Lukáš Jech, Irena Mařincová, Beatriz Minkovová, Josefina Susová

Please read the info-pack

Participating countries: Czech Republic, Spain, Latvia, Turkey, Bulgaria

Hosting organisation: Çevre İçin Gelecek Grubu

Project report: 

Our positive experience from Earth: Heritage From Future project started already before arrival to Ereğli where we spent eight amazing days. Before coming to Turkey, we received all the information needed, quick and concrete answers. We were picked up at night which doesn’t have to be always commonplace.

After arrival we were informed two participant countries couldn’t come and only Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Turkey will take part in the project which wasn’t really pleasant information in the beginning. We all expected bigger culture diversity in the group but with every passing day we saw the pluses of this change. We created closer cosy environment, we got to know each other better and cooperated easier.

From the very first moment we met an immense hospitality of hosting organization, huge helpfulness both from organization and from Turkish participants. I appreciate all work they made not only during the project but also before and after its realization.

We started all activities traditionally with ice breaker games which broke barriers and boosted our team work. Most of the activities were practical workshops. Apart from this, we had opportunity to visit mayor, we went to local waste disposal, animal care centre etc.

The outcome of the project was an exhibition in local Shoping Mall where we could demonstrate products made during the workshops from old used materials, mostly rubbish. This is how we tried to spread awareness among locals about importance of human behaviour towards nature. The city of Ereğli, located by the sea, Turkey’s largest steel plant, was definitely right option to organize this  project considering its need to increase environmental protection.

I believe all of us have learnt a lot from this Youth Exchange whether in regard to personal development or in the field of ecology. If something changed in mind of local people, we don’t know. But I hope, this was small piece on the way to build up individual responsibility of all of us.


I am really glad I could be part of this project and huge thank you to Ilker, Yusuf and to all who made it happen!

                                                                                                                                                                                       Kristýna Liptáková

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