Out of the Jar – Latvia


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course

Venue: Stāmeriena, Latvia

Dates: 21—27 August 2023

Czech team: 4 participants

Please read the info-pack. 

Hosting organisation: Gulbene district Youth center “Bāze”

Project report:

Between 21st and 27th August of 2023, we, small Czech team of four, were trying to „Get out of the Jar. “ The project itself was aimed at youth workers from rural areas across the whole Europe and within this perspective we have done numerous activities to strengthen, broaden and widen our knowledge as well as competencies to handle rural youth education in more effective manner.

With our lovely hosts that were provided by Baze organization – Olga and Ieva, we have learnt frameworks such as “The Golden Circle” which teaches us how to think when preparing for activities and projects with young people or the importance dialogue when getting to know the needs of youngsters with fewer opportunities or from secluded areas.

As an example of a good practice, we have visited local youth center Baze in the town of Gulbene, where we were given the opportunity to explore this center and to have discussions with local workers to understand how their center works.

But the project was not only about the topic above, we have also experienced cultures of other participants as well as local Latvian culture through cultural evening with traditional foods, dances, symbols etc. On the last nigh we were also invited to local Latvian traditional sauna and swam in the near lake under the night sky.

All things considered it was an awesome project and we are all thankful to EYCB for making this project reality and can wholeheartedly recommend going out on any EYCB projects.


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