Embracing Shared Values — Germany


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Garlstedt, Osterholz Scharmbeck, Germany 

Dates: 18—27 January 2024

National team: 6 participants + 1 group leader

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: NaturKultur e.V.

Report z projektu:

In the third week of January, I ventured on a trip to Bremen – before that, I had to work hard just to be able to attend this first Erasmus experience of mine. However, the theme seemed worthwhile – “Embracing Shared Values” sounded like an embodiment of Erasmus youth exchanges and I was excited.

Even the participating countries were promising – the Czech Republic, for sure 😀, Croatia, Spain, Italy, Germany, and a country that attracted me the most because of its political background (the autocratic regime of Erdogan), Turkey. A nice melting pot filled with various influences.

After arriving at our accommodation – well, only a part of our Czech team as the rest got their flight canceled unfortunately – we were greeted kindly by Saša and other facilitators in the convenient Natir Kultur house. Even the first plate served was amazing which was true also for the rest of our stay – which is exceptional as I learned from others.

Straightaway, it was apparent the programme will be more structured and time-consuming than usual – however, with 6 hours of guided activities a day, I was actually pleasantly surprised we have so much free time. Thus, throughout the next 7 days we explored very thoroughly the theme of values – nonetheless, the focus was quite different than expected. The whole exchange was centered around personal values and how to use them in our personal lives in order to be happier and to lead a meaningful life. We have been talking about that are most important values – core ones and how exactly they are reflected in what we do. Moreover, we have been discovering values through sport – for instance, capoeira was amazing. We have had workshops about non-violent communication, leadership, authenticity and many more. Obviously, all the facilitators were very skilled at what they did and I thank them again.

Apart from the official programme, we have had cultural nights (every night each country prepared approx. an hour of activities/traditional food), we sang, played games, and various people have had their small workshops (for instance origami was super cool, thanks, Vanja). The best, for sure, was getting into deeper conversations with various individuals and learning about their values, and personal histories as the programme – even though very useful in today’s world – didn’t offer many opportunities. Thank you, Nicolas, Rodrigo, Noni, Vanja, Sára, Antonín, Duhan, Jonathan and many more.

As for cons, I wouldn’t expect as much next time as I was also disappointed – but that’s probably due to the fact that I had to do a lot of work to go there in the first place. A single bigger stain on the masterpiece was the last day when, unfortunately, the main organizer Saša somewhat unexpectedly didn’t adhere to his values and acted without respect and empathy to some of us which spoiled the atmosphere to some extent. However, I wouldn’t want to throw him overboard as he – in my eyes – unknowingly maybe did with us. I hope those affected won’t be really affected.

To conclude, I am still very glad to have attended – I believe that some of the friendships created will stand the test of time which is something I will hold dear. In this aspect, my expectations very definitely fulfilled and I recommend going with Kultur House in the future.

Jakub V.

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