ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course
Dates: 5—13 November 2024
Venue: Enying, Hungary
Czech team: 2 participants
Please read the info-pack.
Hosting organisation: Youth of Europe Association
Project report:
Good morning (Szia) from a beautiful countryside near Enying, called Kabóka Lovastanya. We spent an unforgettable 8 days there by enjoying the peaceful and quiet countryside, no rush from the big cities, we just stayed cool. What a detox for our well-being and mental health! Which is very closely related to the theme of this project.
The first day, we met in Budapest with the rest of our team. There were people from 13 countries. No-one know what to expect. But everyone was so friendly from the first time we met.
We enjoyed the whole project a lot, even it was hard sometimes to stay concentrate and think that much for all day.The activities during the day were different, we learnt different methods to help each other with our mental health, how to take care of others, but also how to help ourselves.
Every morning there were questions which you could answer to yourself (journal). During the day we tried different activities like active listening, ambiguity walk, social dreaming and many more. The program was full of interesting resources, but there was always time for coffee break. So don’t worry to ,,work“ for a whole day. In the other hand I wouldn’t call it work. Yes, sometimes was hard to concentrate, but usually it was interesting, enjoyable and developing team work or just activity which help us to stay relaxed and sociable. I feel like all of us grew even a little bit inside of us there.
Almost everyday the owner of farm came and offer us different activities to do in a free time after lunch. For example, we went on a boat, try horse riding, archery. There were 2 intercultural evenings, when we show our state culture and many snacks. One evening Hungarian night take place, we tried traditional Hungarian dances and a their typical food. There was also a trip to Székesfehérvár where we did flashmob, which we really enjoy preparing for and also we spent some free time there. But the weather was so cold, so everyone at the end enjoyed cafés in a city (what a shame). In the evening we had also dinner in a restaurant.
The main activity was working on our product. This involved group work on small projects, which will be shared to help with mental wellbeing.
The group became so close, because we shared our feelings, emotions, thoughs, anxiety with all of us for the whole time of this project. So the last day almost everyone was crying and feeling grateful for this time we spent together.
These eight days have really been a journey. We felt like part of the family the whole time. Living as a family means having rules and responsibilities that serve to keep the group strong. The secret ingredient is always a lot of love.
Sabina P.