Green Land — Portugal


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Serra da Estrela, Portugal

Dates: 19—28 July 2022

Please read the info-pack. 

Hosting organisation: Clube Nacional de Montanhismo Clube Alpino Portugues

Czech team: Anežka Karpjáková (GL), Denisa Štěpánková, Vítek Huy, Karolína Kawuloková, Jan Hanuš, Diana Mojsevič

Project report: 

From the 19th to 29th of July was held the project called „Green Land” was close to the national park „Serra de Estrada“in Portugal. The project was focused on the protection of the environment, especially to promote activities for the young European generation providing a set of experiences and methods of protection and creating awareness of environmental and climate changes. The main goal of the project was to prepare teams for a presentation of the current environmental situation in the different European geographical units (for example Balkan). We worked on the presentation almost every day for at least 2 hours and every day we got new tasks that we should process into a presentation. On the last day of the project, we presented our outcome in front of others. 

These days, organizations prepared for us several different types of activities, which had one thing in common – they should learn us more about our environment and how to protect it. And It is worked! For example, we played quiz games, role play games and many others. The activity which I liked the most was the oxford debate. During the debate, we were divided into two groups and each group had to represent the opposite opinion (for example my group represents the position that being a vegetarian is beneficial for our environment, the second group represents opposite view). Our goal was to convince others that our opinion is the right one.


Participants came from six different countries – the Czech republic, Romanie, Sweden, Portugal, Spain and Greece. After the dinner, we usually had a cultural evening, when also two countries represent to others their national culture and prepare for other presentations, games and also small snacks. Other nights we usually had also some kind of activities such as karaoke, white party and so on.  During the project we had also an opportunity to discover the national park throught a hiking and Covilha city, which was located approximately 30 minutes by bus from our hotel.

                                       Anežka Karpjáková

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