From the Ground Up — Spain


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course

The timetable for this training course:

  1. Training course: 22—31 May 2024, Sanilles, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain
  2. Organization of local activities (in the Czech Republic): from June to June 1 to the end of July.

Czech team: 3 participants.

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Associació A fil de vent

Project report:

I had the amazing opportunity to participate in a training course called From the Ground Up at the Sanillés eco-living centre in the Spanish Pyrenees. The training started on May 22nd, and it was inspiring how quickly we all bonded despite coming from diverse countries such as the Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal. Our facilitators Rota, Linda, Aina, and Lorena created a welcoming atmosphere that made us all feel at ease.

The main focus of the program was to empower youth workers both personally and professionally. We drew inspiration from Sharon Blackie’s work and delved into the Hero’s and Heroine’s journey to become more conscious, present, and mindful. We explored myths and engaged in meaningful discussions.

The setting was perfect for self-development, with a breathtaking view of the nearby Serra del Cadí mountain range. We also had the opportunity to explore the river and the beautiful forest. Despite having only plant-based food throughout the program, the meals prepared by our cook, Ilze, were delicious.

We were divided into tribes of three and took turns assisting with various duties each day. I found the concept interesting and plan to implement it in my upcoming summer camp.

After completing the Hero’s and Heroine’s journey, we worked together to create a follow-up program, which included activities such as art therapy, meditative hikes, body painting etc.

As the course came to an end on May 31st, I realized just how much I had learned (not only) about myself, expressing emotions, creativity, and the importance of cooperation. I felt a strong sense of belonging like never before and met many inspiring people. This experience has filled me with gratitude. Words simply cannot describe this experience.

Now that I’m back home, I plan to apply what I’ve learned in my work in the Czech Republic. I believe that education is a powerful tool for change, and I’m eager to share my knowledge with others. This course has shown me the true value of Erasmus.

Thank you!

Klára P.

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