Idea Shapers 2.0 — Bulgaria


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Pamporovo, Bulgaria

Dates: 1 — 10 October 2023

Czech team: 4 participants + 1 group leader

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: “Youth Development Center-Mutual Aid” (YDCMA)

Project report:

The project Idea Shapers 2.0 took place in the picturesque mountains of Bulgaria, in the city of Pamporovo. YDCMA Bulgaria, who was the host organization of the event, did a great job. Participants of this project were from multiple countries: Portugal, Poland, Romania, and Czech Republic. All together around 20 people took part which led to a great time and allowed me to create friendships, hopefully lasting a lifetime. The project had multiple main ideas which are listed below:

  1. Support of innovative ideas:

The program was built around the development of skills to create new ideas and solving actual problems.

  1. Development of soft skills:

Like communication, drawing, creative thinking, and visual mindset.

  1. Visual mindset/thinking:

We learnt how to improve our visual communication and how to effectively relay information by using different subject, shapes, and colours.

  1. Work with graphic markers:

During the project we learnt how to use basic graphic tools, but mostly graphic markers. We started with the basic water based black markers and worked our way up to colourful markers.

The program was rich and different every day but was thoughtful to the point of connecting all the materials and making sense of the big picture. Due to that we learnt a lot of new skills. By the end of the project, we tried our new gained skills on graphic tablets where we had to create multiple pictures according to template.

During our time in Bulgaria, we had many extra activities like visiting to a city Smoljan where we visited the HQ of the hosting organization, then we walked through the city centre and tried a dance called flash mob. Later we also hiked a mountain 2000 m above sea level, where we could visit a cafe with a breath-taking view.

I had a great time, and the project was well organized. I got to meet new people who became my new friends, I visited beautiful places in the Bulgarian mountains, and I also learned new skills and got to practice English. I am grateful to EYCB for a chance to participate and I recommend an ERASMUS+ experience to everyone.

Tereza P.

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