Keep Up the Rhythm – Poland


Programme & action: ERASMUS+: Youth, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Rabka-Zdrój, Poland

YE dates: 5—11 June 2021

APV dates: 12—15 March 2021

Please read the info-pack

Participating countries: Poland, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Hungary


Project report:

The topic of this project was mainly music but also about understanding EU values. I was a little afraid before going there because my music skills are not even on a basic level. But I also wanted to step out of my comfort zone and try it. I was surprised how well it went. I have to say it didn’t transform me into a musician in just one week. But now I understand better the process of creating music.

I could say we had two main tasks in this project. Compose a song and play a live concert show with songs from our countries. I think we finished both of these tasks successfully. Even though the post editing of our recorded song is going on right now. 

Around half of the people from all the participants were not really musicians. I really love that even though we don’t play any musical instrument, we were included in creating the song. Non-musicians were writing the lyrics, part of the promotion team about our concert, helping with technical stuff, recording podcasts, etc. Everyone felt included. We will also produce a music video for your amazing song!

Sometimes it was a little stressful because it’s not so easy to pick two songs from Czech Republic to represent it. And what’s more, later you have to practice it and sing it in front of the live audience. I am talking about a little stress because we had just five days to arrange everything. Even though we made some mistakes in our live concert I consider it a success. Many people showed up and they looked like they enjoyed it. 

In our free time some people were playing board games or just talking and sharing their life stories. What I really loved was that every night the musicians were jamming with a lot of different instruments. Even though I am not a musician and I am scared of playing, I joined them once with this jamming session and learnt how to keep up the rhythm. One group of people even pushed themselves to wake up at 5am and do a small hike in tatras mountains and they made it back at ten just when our morning activities started.

I can’t wait when our video and music will be produced. You should check it when it comes out. We managed to put all of our languages into (each verse is in a different language) the song and chorus is in english. Our song is touching the most valuable EU values but every verse is really special because the cultural mentality is projected when the song writing was happening.

                                                                                                                                     Martin Žaba

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