Last Tree on Earth— Portugal


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Covilhã, Portugal

Dates: 5—14 June 2023

National team: 9 participants + 1 group leader

Please read the info-pack. 

Hosting organisation: Clube Nacional de Montanhismo Clube Alpino Português

Project report:

The Erasmus+ Youth Exchange took place in the stunning region of Serra da Estrela, Portugal, from 5.6.2023 to 14.6.2023. The project aimed to promote awareness and action regarding environmental issues, with a specific focus on forests, forest fires, littering problems, and sustainability. Participants from Czechia, Romania, Spain, and Portugal came together for a transformative 9-day program.

Activities and Workshops:
Throughout the exchange, participants engaged in a variety of activities and tasks designed to deepen their understanding of environmental challenges and foster a sense of responsibility towards the natural world. These activities included:

Forest Exploration: Participants embarked on guided tours to various types of forests in Serra da Estrela, learning about their unique characteristics and the importance of biodiversity. They gained hands-on experience in identifying different tree species, understanding their ecological roles, and the threats they face.

Forest Fire Prevention: Given the region’s history and vulnerability  to forest fires, participants received training in fire prevention and management strategies. They learned about the causes and consequences of forest fires and discussed effective methods for their prevention and containment.

Non-formal education activities were conducted to address issues such as waste management, recycling, and sustainable practices. Participants engaged in discussions and games on how small lifestyle changes can contribute to a greener future, both individually and collectively.

Learning Outcomes:
The Erasmus+ Youth Exchange provided a platform for participants to gain new insights and skills related to environmental sustainability. The following learning outcomes were achieved:

Knowledge Enhancement: Participants deepened their understanding of different types of forests, their ecosystems, and the importance of biodiversity. They also learned about the causes and consequences of forest fires and the measures that can be taken to prevent them.

Environmental Awareness: Through engaging activities participants became more aware of the impact of littering and unsustainable practices on the environment. They developed a sense of responsibility towards promoting sustainable behaviors in their own communities.

Cross-Cultural Exchange: The exchange brought together participants from different countries, fostering cultural understanding, improving English language and promoting intercultural dialogue. Participants learned about the environmental challenges specific to each country and shared strategies for addressing them.

Leadership and Teamwork: The project provided opportunities for participants to develop their leadership and teamwork skills. Through group activities and collaborative projects, they honed their ability to work effectively in diverse teams towards common goals.

The Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Serra da Estrela, Portugal, proved to be an enriching experience for all participants. A big thanks goes to our leaders Ricky and Andrea, their knowledge and activities were bonding and fun! Through exploration, education, and active engagement, the project successfully raised awareness about the environment, trees, forest fires, littering problems, and sustainability. The exchange not only equipped participants with knowledge and skills but also instilled a sense of responsibility and motivation to create positive change in their own communities. The project serves as a testament to the power of international cooperation and youth engagement in addressing pressing environmental challenges.

Lastly a big thanks goes to our organization EYCB as without them none of the participants would experience this life-changing youth exchange! 

Vojtěch Tetera

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