Mediation for Integration — Portugal


Programme & action: ERASMUS+: Youth, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Dates: 15—22 September 2020

Venue: Vila Real, Portugal

Participants: Zita Kučerová (GL), Petra Novotná, Michaela Krejčířová, Josef Ručka, Tereza Horká

Please read the info-pack & project information.

Hosting organisation: Body to Soul Associação Nacional

Participating countries:  Portugal, Czech Republic, Spain, Poland, Italy, Romania

Project report:

Youth Exchange „Mediation 4 Integration“ took place in Portugal in September 2020 and put together participants from 5 countries. The main topic of the Youth Exchange was development of the Mediation and Coaching skills as a Developer of Integration. The objective which was successfully reached was to make participants from different European countries think together and develop new skills. 

The facilitators prepared the program for the whole Youth Exchange perfectly. The activities were organized indoor and outdoor. We were accommodated in wooden cabins in a quiet place in areal of Natur Water Park.  We tried various non formal learning  tools which made us get to know each other, cooperate, share our experience and opinion, discuss and encourage new ideas. The main activities of the week were designed to deepen our knowledge in Mediation. The most interesting activities for me were simulation games focused on cultural differences and breaking of stereotypical thinking. 

Because of the Covid-19 pandemy, the organisators tried to ensure the safety during all the project by developing a health protocol regarding the security and protection of all the participants and staff. Even though the Youth Exchange was happening during a difficult epidemiological situation, Covid-19 did not influence our project and we enjoyed the activities fully. Wearing protection masks didn´t destroy our mood at all.

We spent one free day in Vila Real. Firstly we were playing a laser game which is a great team building activity, lately we had a free time in Vila Real. Some people decided to spend time in the city center, others have visited beautiful Mateus Palace built in Baroque-style with its beautiful gardens.

The whole Czech group was very active and participated in all the activities. We organised Czech culture evening where we presented our culture in an interactive way. We also introduced our sending organisation – EYCB to whom we thank for this great experience.

                                                                                                    Zita Kučerová

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