Mens Sana — Italy


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Giovinazzo, Italy

Dates: 19—26 September 2023

Czech team: 5 participants + 1 group leader 

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organizace: Associazione InCo – Interculturalità & Comunicazione

Project report:

The Youth Exchange was a collaborative effort among participants from various countries aimed at raising awareness about mental health, reducing stigma, and encouraging open discussions about mental well-being. The project was held in Giovinazzo, Italy, and focused on empowering young people to implement evidence-based interventions and support systems within educational institutions.
Our experience in Italy was made memorable by the impeccable organization and preparation by the project facilitators. Their dedication ensured a smooth and seamless project, allowing us to focus on what truly mattered – learning, growing, and connecting with one another.
Throughout the exchange, we engaged in a wide range of activities designed to break barriers, challenge our comfort zones, and promote open conversations about mental health. From thought-provoking workshops to physically invigorating challenges, we discovered the power of collaboration and unity in addressing mental health issues.
One remarkable highlight was the video-making competition “Mauro” (inspired by the Oscars) that we introduced. It revolved around the theme of mental health, and to our surprise, it became the most engaging activity across all participating groups. It showcased the creative talents of all participants and brought forth insightful perspectives on mental health, including the importance of therapy and understanding different mental states.
Our project in Italy was a transformative experience that emphasized mental well-being. We explored Italian culture and enjoyed Giovinazzo’s charm while engaging in discussions, workshops, and diverse activities. This exchange deepened our understanding of mental health and our commitment to reducing stigma. We’ll share our experiences and insights through dissemination activities in our communities.
In conclusion, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who made this project possible, especially the organizers and leaders who dedicated their time and effort to create a memorable and impactful experience. We leave Italy with a renewed sense of purpose, eager to apply our newfound knowledge and to continue our journey towards improved mental well-being.

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