Participatory Europe — Estonia


Termín konání: 2-11 December 2019

Místo konání: Haapsalu, Estonia

Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Training course

Venue: Haapsalu, Estonia

Dates: 2-11 December 2019

Participants: Markéta Mošová, Ivona Pokorná

Participants’ fee (deducted by the hosting organisation): €30

Host organisation: MTÜ Noored Ühiskonna Heaks

Please read the info-pack.

Participating countries: Estonia, Italy, Croatia, Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Turkey, Lithuania, Greece, Bulgaria

Project report: 

Training course “Participatory Europe” took place in Estonia in December 2019. Very intense project about politics was well organized and combined useful knowledge with beautiful relaxing environment of snowy holiday village besides sea. Very variable compound of participants from 12 countries, with different background and motivation provided many different points of view, challenges, and ensured an unforgettable experience.

The project aims to increase active citizenship of young people. In the age when young people don’t trust the political authorities, this training course was made to give ability and tools to young people to influence what’s going around them. Young influencers, people interested in active participation in their community and youth workers have got familiar with what is politics and policies, how policies are created and how the whole thing works. We have learned about advocacy and communication in the world of politics and governance, about human rights, discrimination, different people’s needs,…

Through various activities we discovered how difficult it is to find a solution for problems of modern society, that every action can cause another problems, that the problems we want to solve are actually effects of other problems, and we have to think about priorities, because our sources are limited. We have tried to create our own policy and defend it in front of a council.

One day of the project has been devoted to a trip to Tallinn, the capital, but not only for a sight-seeing, although we have got this opportunity, but also to meet several ambassadors active in political life in Estonia. We have learned how young people in Estonia are taught and encouraged to get involved in active citizenship. After a few days of hard work in our training room the meeting was refreshing and very inspirational. Free afternoon in the city, magical Christmas market made us realize, that Christmas is coming and besides new information and skills we should bring home some gifts as well.

The “Participatory Europe” project has been professionally prepared with very intense training activities combined with beautiful and quiet nature of the holiday village, available facilities and time for relax and free social time. Particularly speaking we really enjoyed sauna night or unusual intercultural evening, morning walks to the sea, delicious food, warm and cozy accommodation, bowling, and nice staff, and cleanness. 

 Ivona Pokorná

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