Powerful Pillars of Entrepreneurial Success — Poland


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Katowice, Poland

Dates: 6—14 November 2023

National team: 5 participants + 1 group leader

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego

Project report:

The “Powerful Pillars of Entrepreneurial Success” project took place in Katowice, Poland, from November 7th to November 13th, 2023. The participating countries included Georgia, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Poland, and the Czech Republic from EYCB.

Rather than a traditional entrepreneurial course, the project focused on youth exchange, aiming to develop entrepreneurial skills such as teamwork and creativity while fostering cultural understanding, particularly of the Polish culture. Tolerance, equality, and solidarity were also emphasized throughout the program.

The initial phase involved team-building activities facilitated by the hosting organization, fostering collaboration among participants. Various engaging projects were undertaken, including constructing the tallest tower, creating costumes, and organizing a fashion show, all of which contributed to skill enhancement.

An experienced entrepreneur shared insights during a session, providing valuable real-world perspectives. Towards the end of the project, participants were tasked with creating their own projects, involving activities such as developing logos, conducting SWOT analyses, and creating presentations. The week concluded with the presentation of the projects.

Free time was allocated for participants to attend a show related to Polish International Day and explore Kraków. These outings provided additional cultural exposure.

The project also featured intercultural nights, showcasing traditional dances, sharing interesting facts, and offering a taste of diverse cuisines, further enriching the cultural exchange experience.

Each participant experienced personal growth, with improvements noted in areas such as self-awareness, entrepreneurial skills, and teamwork. The project successfully combined learning with enjoyment, contributing to an overall positive experience. Anticipation for future projects is expressed.


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