Stand Together for Equality — Spain


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: La Vecilla, Spain

Dates: 4—12 June 2022

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Asociación Gastronómica Europea

Czech team: Hana Pasková

Project report:

The project began with icebreakers the first arrival night. We continued in a similar spirit the next day, which was good because we got to know each other and at the same time got an introduction to what awaits us.

The aim of the project was to spread the subconscious of the LGBTQ + community to the general public. At first, of course, the participants needed to broaden their subconscious – so there were extensive discussions between all participants, there was a video interview with LGBTQ + activists, and there were various workshops. For example, we empathized with “coming out” stories of people, which certainly helped to expand empathy.

The main project of the week was the creation of an online awareness campaign of an aspect of the LGBTQ + topic. We had to choose a social media platform and the way in which we’ll provide information. For example, my team chose Instagram and a brochure, and we focused on experimenting with sexuality (Instagram account can be found here )

Within the project, there were two trips, one to the nearby town of León, and the other was a walk in the footsteps of local waterfalls.

I’ve learned a lot about communicating with people – for example, that when we explain something to someone, it’s important to bring them closer to their level of knowledge to make it effective. I also learned a lot about human friendship, and in what ways it can arise.

                                                                                                                                               Hana Pasková

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