Sustainable Green Future — Germany


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Garlstedt, Germany

Dates: 2—11 September 2023

National team: 5 participants + 1 group leader

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: NaturKultur e.V.

Project report:

Hallo! Welcome to Germany! Thanks to EYCB I had an opportunity to travel to Germany (Garlstedt) alongside with five Czech mates. We were excited about the project called Sustainable Green Future. Besides Czech participants, there were teams of young people from Spain, Germany, Greece, North Macedonia, and Romania.

Thanks to precise schedule and organization, every task, workshop, and activity went smoothly. We have done various activities which helped us to bond and to get together. Thanks to various learning methods we had an opportunity to strengthen our English and soft skills. We have learnt that there are still topics or areas of interest which may be sorted out in e.g., Germany or Czech Republic, but in other countries there are still struggles in dealing with these issues. We dealt with environmental protection in participating countries, UN Sustainability Goals, talked about sustainability consumption, every participant could calculate his/her own carbon footprint. Moreover, one of the project´s goals was helping local communities. One afternoon was dedicated to litter picking in the woods and road sing cleaning, which was more than welcomed by local community members. Furthermore, every team set a particular goal how they help local communities in respective countries, e.g., Spanish team is going to pick up litter on a beach nearby Barcelona, Germans want to raise awareness about sustainable consumption and Romanian team would love to boost waste collection and recycling in local communities in Romania through local initiatives.

In addition, we learnt a lot about German and other participating countries cultures. Every night was dedicated to national evening. This was the time for us to present our countries hand in hand with national food and cuisine. We learned how to dance Spanish and Romanian national dances, how to make Tzatziki properly, how Germans make their cookies and many other things. Furthermore, we had an opportunity to attend local festival in Garlstedt. This event was celebrating harvest and abundance. Every person from Garlstedt from little children to grown-ups were involved in a parade with tractors and trailers, children were throwing candy from the trucks to people alongside the route. We also made a trip to Bremenhafen to visit local museum about climate called KlimaHaus. Where we experienced different climate conditions and other differences around the globe. Then we went to see the city centre as a group with other participants and organizations.

To conclude we had a wonderful time thanks to hosting organization, EYCB and every person who helped to make this project possible. Thank you very much.

Tomáš M.

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