Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Youth exchange
Venue: Iscar, Spain
Dates: 12-20 August 2019
Participants: Jana Kohoutová, Kateřina Jakšičová, Tomáš Homola, Ondřej Holan
Group leader: Iveta Koubková
Host organisation: KINBALL VALLADOLID
Participating countries: Spain, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Portugal and France
Please read the info-pack
Project report:
Most of the participants were picked at the airport in Madrid and then transported directly to Iscar, where we were accommodated at the youth hostel.
During the week we discussed about different approaches to dissabillities in our society. We played a few games to understand feelings of disabled people. We had a session with one participant of paralympic games who told us about his experience. We had one day trip to Valladolid where we were playing basketball on wheelchairs and we had some other activities which were focused on the topic of the project.
As a result of the project each of group prepared video about a daily life of a disabled person.
The project was a little bit different than was my expectation, but finally I evaluate my experience as
Tomáš Homola