Youth NGOs in Media News — Georgia


Programme and action: Youth in Action programme, action 3.1.2. training course

Dates: 1-10 November 2013

Venue: Kobuleti, Georgia

No of pax: Marie Tomášková, Kristýna Dušková, Jiří Křivánek

Project report:

When autumn was about to take over, a group of students arrived to sunny georgian town in Kobuleti at the coast of the Black sea. We were different people from diverse background, people from 9 countries,  but united in one aim – to explore the hidden treasures of this unique land and to create the story of our own. Inspired by the atmosphere of this magnificent place, we got closer to locals to experience a georgian lifestyle.

The topic of our project was international dialog and identity and we decided to work on it by making a video. After a perfect day spent with all participant in Batumi – the pearl of the georgian seaside- it turned out, that Georgia is not only rich in traditions but also have a marvelous contemporary culture. To find its roots, we went to locals schools. We met  talented youngsters there and they invited us to taste the culture together.

My first bite was a dancing class with a georgian girls spiced by wonderful music. Once east met west not only cultural exchange started. Moreover, the similar interests layed the foundation for the lifelong friendship and as the people all around in the world know one game, organizing a football match with Georgians has become a part of our collective project too. No matter where are you from, culture of cheering is international too so as a return of this unforgettable dancing class we learned our Georgian friends cheerleading songs and short dances to support our players.

And no matter how the game ended, we were all winners, cause there´s nothing stronger than the power of a friendship.


Marie Tomášková

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