ZOOM IN for Your Job, ZOOM OUT for Your Business — Romania


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Youth Exchange

Venue: Busteni, Romania

Dates: 19-29 June 2018

Participants: Vít Salajka, Duc Anh Le, Markéta Karlíková, Karolína Klárová

Group leader: Sebastian Holesz

Participating countries: Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Greece, Czech Republic, Macedonia and Romania

Please read the info-pack & daily programme and project brochure. You can watch short videos directed and cut by Duc Anh Le during this project here:1) https://goo.gl/Zt8pgg, 2) https://goo.gl/Nk5sDr, 3) https://goo.gl/Y2zTh4. Please also visit the Facebook page of this project: https://www.facebook.com/YE-ZOOM-IN-for-your-JOB-ZOOM-OUT-for-your-BUSINESS-Busteni-2018-184909248875677/

Hosting organisationASOCIATIA ODEN NEHOIU

Project report: 

The project ZOOM IN for your job, ZOOM OUT for your business took place in Busteni. A small town near Bucegi national park. The city was surrounded by beautiful mountains and nature. At the project there were 8 countries with 5 participants per each (except for Romania who sent 8 people). Participants who came from Czech Republic, Latvia, Spain, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Romania were trying to discuss and learn new things from the field of jobs, labour market, business and so on. We had a lot of interesting workshops. The whole project was divided into 3 parts. Each part was about something different. During one part there were lectures about Youth pass or Europass and the sessions were more theorethical, but there was also a more practical part of the project, the last part, when we had 2 big workshops during which we had to: create our own product, think of a name, logo, slogan, video that will promote it, business plan, marketing plan and so on. The second workshop was about personal business and its promotion. They were all really interesting. Not to forget to mention the intercultural, or as the facilitators called it, intergalactic evening, where participants didnt promote their own countries, but each country had to promote another one. For example Czech Republic had to promote Macedonia, and was promoted by Latvia. On the last two days we had time for traveling. Some people decided to go to Bucharest, some took mini buses to Sibiu. People were really happy they can see some other places in Romania as well. On the last day there was a trip to Sinaia, Bran, a castle where the legendary Dracula lived, and Brasov, a city with little bit below 300 thousand habitants. After that we went back to Busteni, where we did the final evaluation, packed our things and went back home.

Sebastian Holesz

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