Eco ChangeMakers — Latvia


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Pāvilosta (near Liepaja), Latvia

Dates: 1—10 December 2022

Czech team: Hana Slámová (GL), Denisa Veselá, Filip Lakosil, Ondřej Stuchlík

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: RASIO ”Perspektiva”

Project report:

Hello, my name is Andrew and I will be your guide for our trip to Latvia. Our project took place in Pāvilosta, which is not a big city, but tourists love it and after 10 days in this city I can say the same. We learned about environmental problems and their solutions. Even the mayor of the city made time for us to discuss it. It was not our only meeting with locals, we also met an old lady from an NGO who told us about some local problems. And our last visit was to a primary school, where we talked with the children not only about a sustainable lifestyle, but also about the possibilities they have thanks to ERASMUS+ projects. It was such a surprise to me how perfect their English was. What about our group? Our group was just amazing. I’m sure we’ll stay in touch in the future. This project has given me a lot, so thank you to EYCB for this opportunity and of course thank you to all the participants and organizers, it wouldn’t have been so special without you.

Ondřej Stuchlík

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