GO GREEN — Romania


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Horezu, Romania

Dates: 16—25 February 2024

Czech team: 5 participants + 1 group leader  

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Youth for Sustainable Development Association

Project report:

Welcome to Horezu, Romania a town that is on the UNESCO because of its beautiful Monastery of Horezu and ceramic craftsmanship. Handmade craftsmanship of ceramics is a unique traditional craft that reflect generations of knowledge and craftsmanship in this area.

We went into this project as a team of six from the Czech Republic. Many countries participated in this project, namely Romania, Czech Republic, Serbia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Poland.

All the participants were great, open, and friendly. We were able to quickly get to know each other. The first days were very much about making friends and forming a team out of individuals. It went really well, because after few days we came up with the topic of this project – GOGREEN. We discussed how each individual can contribute to the preservation of the environment, we looked at a lot of simple things that we can all do, but we just didn’t realize it.

One of the workshops was about creating a poster of our country and how our country handles the environment. We then presented it to the other teams of this project. In doing so, we learned how to work in a team, seek out verified information, speak in front of strangers, and lead a discussion.

In between the days full of workshops, we had one whole day reserved for a trip to the historic city of Sibiu, which is beautiful and well preserved. We split up and explored the Romanian culture in this charming place.

It was very interesting to deal with the workshops that we later presented to the pupils at the secondary school in Horezu. I specifically worked on a video that took place outdoors and was meant to provoke thoughts about the future – if we are not kind to the environment. We had very limited time to do this, so it was a challenge, but we handled it very skillfully and the pupils loved it. In addition to the 2 videos, we have prepared 4 more workshops. A calendar with environmental challenges, games related to the environment and finally creative workshops where plastic or paper rubbish was transformed into useful products.

Every second night we also had culture evenings. Which were fun and educational because we had the opportunity to get to know other cultures better and taste the local drinks and food.

When I look back, I think everyone involved in this project now has a better understanding of how to be more environmentally friendly, how to be greener and what to do and not to do. At the end of the project many of us cried, it was very emotional, and I don’t think any of us wanted to say goodbye yet. It was an amazing project and for me the best time I could have had.

Adam K.

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