Our Environment, Our Future — Turkey


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Ankara, Turkey

Dates: 21—30 June 2024

Czech team: 6 participants + 1 group leader 

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Genç Girişim Derneği 

Project report:

 We had an incredible opportunity to participate in the project Our Enviroment, Our Future held in Ankara at the end of June 2024, bringing together participants from Germany, Italy, Turkey, and the Czech Republic. This enriching experience left a lasting impact, filled us with new insights, and helped us to find new friendships.

Our Czech group worked very well together. We activately participated during all sessions as we explored new perspectives and found out more about the protection of enviroment. Everyone managed to make meaningful connections with participants from other countries. The diversity of participants enriched our experience as we learned about different cultures.

The program itself was engaging. As part of program each country prepared its own session related to environmental protection connected to our countries. The Czech group focused on biodiversity in our country, while for example the German group presented on renewable energy sources. It helped us to exchange our knowledge and ideas.

One of the sessions that stood out was a group activity where we created videos on the given topic based on Chief Seattle’s letter to American President, which expressed strong opinion about being connected to the nature (air, soil, flowers, water and animals).

Another activity involved simulating various ministries and proposing ideas for protecting the environment of an imaginary city. Overall, most activities were group-based, we worked together to find a solution for a given task and then we presented it to the others and discussed the topic more in depth.

Our cultural night, held on the first evening, was a highlight. Everyone was energetic and enthusiastic, and our presentation, quiz, refreshments, tongue twisters, and dance were all well-received and praised by the other participants. Also other cultural nights were amazing and we all enjoyed discovering different cultures and traditions.

On our free day, we explored the center of Ankara. The effort by the organizers to show us traditional Turkish life was greatly appreciated. They took us to traditional bars and restaurants and guided us through the city center.

We also organized a few trips to the city center by ourselves and walked near our accommodation, discovering pleasant places for socializing and relaxation.

At the end of the project, we created a booklet describing Erasmus+, our project, and our experiences, along with two videos aimed at raising awareness about such projects and showcasing their potential.

Overall, the project was beneficial and enriching, offering significant personal growth, enhanced language skills, new friendships and a broader cultural perspective.

Karolína O.

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