Sketching Future — Italy


Date: 10-18 March 2013

Venue: Viterbo, Italy

Pax: Adam Zubatý (GL), Lubomír Jelínek, Tomáš Mejzlík, Jakub  Bakule, Jan Scheuer, Vernika Čermáková, Jana Hamplová, Nikola Šťastná, Marie Wiesnerová, Tereza Arnoldová

Programme and action: Youth in Action programme, action 1.1. bilateral youth exchange

Project report:

The project called „ Sketching future “took place in a lovely tiny historical city Viterbo, which is located two hours by train from Rome. (Of course, the indication of time is relative because in Italy the time is always relative:)). We, the participants from the Czech Republic, understood it quite quickly. The main topic of the project was the unemployment of young people. The theme was presented by the participants via several methods of visual arts from the different points of view.

The participants were young Czechs and Italians. They created an interesting mosaic of people. The Czech participants were students with different fields of studies. On the other hand, the Italians were mainly young and unemployed graduates with diplomas from arts and design. The unlikeness of the group helped to make a very nice and creative atmosphere in the team.

It was fascinating to observe how the lives of the young Czechs and the Italians are influenced by the issue of unemployment in different ways. The diverse level of the artistic production among the participants is also worth mentioning.The final outcome of the project was a creation of comics presenting the issue of unemployment in Europe. Every participant created his/her original comic book with his/her personal attitude towards the unemployment.  The exhibition presenting all the artistic works was set up at the end of the project. The exhibition was also opened for public and received some positive reviews.

The project as a whole was great. The organization of the project was really nicely prepared. All of the participants were friendly and it was fun and pleasure to work with them. The level of accommodation and food was fantastic! I am very glad that I had a chance to get to know the piece of Italian culture via to this project.

Jana Hamplová

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