Share with All – Turkey


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: training course

Venue: Istanbul, Turkey

Dates: 20-29 November 2015

Participants: Anna Vitešníková, Kamila Lepková, Simona Bočková

Please read the info-pack and daily programme.

Participating countries: Sweden, Turkey, Estonia, Slovakia, Latvia, Poland, Spain, Hungary, United Kingdom and Czech Republic

Hosting organisation: Environment Development Association

Project report:

To summarize the training called Share with all that took place in Istanbul 20.-29.11. I would like to conclude the main activities we had done. The very first day we were introduced the aim of the training and daily programme. We also got to know each other by using games, various ice-breakers etc. We have the opportunity to see a bit of surrounding of our hotel  – we had some tasks about Istanbul to complete. Anyway, the real work aiming to the topic of training we started the second and third day. We created a sort of  personal market  where we could share our organizational background and experience and interests, to see how we can learn from each other. We were also introduced to the role of a multiplier.

What I liked was following day activity – we were exploring the topic of mutual understanding in multi-culti environment playing a nice and funny roleplay-based game. We had a great discussions focused on problems of young people in our country and possible solutions of such social problems. It was really interesting to compare various obstacles a youth worker might be facing in each country/culture. We had also several workshops of various topics –for instance video editing, Erasmus+ projects creating, publicity of our NGO activities etc. This workshops, lead by participants themselves,  were in my opinions really enriching.

The rest of training was more less aimed to public speech practise and preparation of school classes with the aim to  introduce the youths about Erasmus+ programme and make them interested in non-formal education in general. As far as I could see all participants were really looking forward that day at school and were excited about the classes. Our group was well prepared for giving the class but finally we had to improvise a lot because we couldn´t use any presentations we prepared because the technical equipment didn´t work at all. But It was great to see how we could quite easily deal with such obstacle. The students were really happy about us coming and giving them completely different type of class they were normally used to.

The very last day was dedicated to feedback and youthpass filling. From my point of view everyone could take some new knowledge/skill from this training. For majority of participans such training was something completely new. But I think also the experinced youth workers could  had found some inspiration for their work.

To conclude, I´d like to thank the organizers and other participans for their contribution. I was happy to be a part of this project. I mean everyone can use the information, skills, attitudes we were offered in his/her own way and can create a great project or bring some possitive changes .. just overtake a role of a multiplier and make things come true.

 Anna Vitešníková

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